June 29, 2023 | digitalexe |
You’ve gotten your small business on social media, you’ve made some posts and tweets, and you even gotten a couple of followers. You know that you have to do more than just make posts, you have to engage with your followers and start an effective brand strategy to give your business the edge.
But how do you go about doing that?
Branding Bootcamp
Let’s start off with what branding is. You’ve probably heard it tossed around when it comes to businesses getting online, that all businesses need to brand themselves, that you need to have an effective brand strategy, etc. But what does all of that mean? In short, your brand is a promise to your customers.
It helps to showcase the personality of your company, by showing how you do business. Is the company formal, with a direct message? Or is it informal, with a conversational tone? The brand is a promise to your customers and how you plan to deliver that promise to them.
Branding of your business can bring value, as well as customers’ trust and loyalty. Think of the top brands and their customers; some people are loyal and will only buy Apple products, some only drink Coke, some people only frequent a specific store. That’s the equity of a strong brand.
Define your brand – what’s your business about?
Defining your brand may not be easy. It’s a self-discovery in itself, where you need to look past what the products and services are. Questions you’ll need to ask yourself are:
Answering these questions can help you put together your mission statement, the promise of what your business brings to your customers’ table. Start thinking about what your business believes in and go from there, coming up with different “we believe” statements. For example, at Change3, we believe it is our duty to delight our clients with creative, relevant digital communications and experiences. From this statement, we created our tagline of “we use technology, market experience, and skilled, delightful staff to amaze our clients while streamlining their day to day marketing activities”.
Have a unique elevator pitch
Networking is still an important part of getting the name of your business and its services out to the masses. It doesn’t have to be with other businesses, you could have a stranger ask what you do. What do you tell them?
This is where a unique selling opportunity will first present itself – the elevator pitch. Called for the amount of time it takes to ride an elevator, a typical elevator pitch should be about 30 seconds and involve interesting details about your business that allows for questions and conversations to begin. The more questions and conversations, the more your business will stay in the mind of that person.
As with creating a mission statement, an elevator pitch can sometimes prove to be difficult to craft. This is true if you’ve never done an elevator pitch before and aren’t sure how to start. It’s important to keep these things in mind:
This is just the start of getting your brand on track. In our next milestone, we’ll look more at your unique selling proposition and how you stand apart from your competitors, messaging of your brand, and how to get your staff onboard.
ChangeU: For your independent study ...
Branding 101: Small Business Guide to Building a Killer Brand Identity - http://amex.co/1OjvIzE
The Basics of Branding - http://entm.ag/1LzKXVR
How Do I Brand My Business to Stand Out From the Competition? - http://bit.ly/1g0OW2a
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